Blog: The World View Scholars, and academic institutions,should enter the fray of international politics only reluctantly. It is, after all, our job to engage, study, and research with an open mind. This is particularly difficult as we are assailed daily with information from so many sources, much of it reflecting a particular bias or, at least, inadequately researched conclusions—we are all vulnerable to the persuasive logic of ideology and partisanship. Taking a “moral stand” is tricky. The academic community may well have made an important contribution to ending of US involvement in Vietnam or accelerating the end of apartheid in South Africa, but taking political stands can also be self-righteous, if not somewhat hypocritical. Take the example of South Africa where divestiture by US universities may have fortified a movement already underway, but we have yet to adequately address racism and race bias in the United States as well as on many of our campu...