Florida Career College to Close Doug Lederman Fri, 01/26/2024 - 03:00 AM Byline(s) Doug Lederman from Inside Higher Ed https://ift.tt/avZRfLi
Image: The past month has been a roller coaster in Hong Kong higher education, where worries about academic freedom have been on the rise since Beijing imposed the national security law (NSL) a year ago. Government leaders have entered the fray by implying that critical statements could be in violation of the law, leading to a police raid of the city’s oldest student union. Academics have also been testifying at a high-profile trial for the first defendant charged under the NSL, to debate the exact meaning and legality of protest phrases. Experts told Times Higher Education that the city was entering a “new era,” where it could be more difficult to teach, research and debate controversial subjects. This leaves administrators stuck between a local culture that prizes open inquiry and authorities accustomed to higher levels of control. “The NSL has basically brought Hong Kong into line with a situation that mainland [Chinese] academics and students have known for decade...